Saturday, July 30, 2005

Prayer Warrior

Lillian had a rough night trying to go to bed on Wednesday night. I has some friends who were coming over to do a Bible study. Peter was working and they had to assist with getting my kids to bed. It was a nightmare. It was like a joke that might start: How many mamas does it take to get one kid to bed? Apparently, more than three. When I started to put her to bed at 6pm, she prayed, "Dear Jesus, Heal Uncle Brian." Two hours into the three hour saga, she asked to pray again. You can't say no to prayer. "Dear Jesus, Thank you for my crying soooo much." Thankfully, the other mamas were praying in the living room which was really necessary. Long, long story short it ended by me holding her and rocking her for a few minutes. She sat up and said, "I'm going to bed now mama. Please leave and shut the door." I may have PTSD from the event. I ordered pizza and had some free therapy from my personal therapist when he arrived home from work. (He is good and cute. Let me know if you need a referral)

G, The big man!

Well, Grayson is the big man on my side of the family his cousin John Gordon Thompson was born on Thursday. John Gordon weighed 6lbs 5 oz. I am thinking that today at 4 months Grayson may be close to three of John Gordon. All reports are that he looks like his mama, Judith. Grayson also has learned to roll from his back to his belly. He is all smiles and we call him mellow yellow because he is so mellow. Thank goodness!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


We got a double stroller the other day and decided to go walking with the kids one morning. Pushing the double stroller while power walking was a workout for both of us. I was feeling the burn (thank goodness). We were chatting with Lillian about exercising.

L: Mama, we assrcising? (That is exactly what it sounded like)
M: You got it!

Monday, July 25, 2005

Little Moments

We had some good moments over the weekend.

Being a good St. Louisan Lillian looked out of Uncle Brian and Aunt Susan's window and saw a cardinal. She said, "Look, a baseball bird." Go Cards!!!

Today, Lillian woke up from her nap.

L: Do you have dry panties mama?
M: Yes
L: Good you can have a popsicle with me.

This is supposed to be a treat for waking up with a dry pull-up. I guess she figured as long as somebody has dry underwear.

Grayson rolled over about four times in a row this afternoon. All from belly to back. He tried really hard to go from back to belly. He will surely get it soon. He is super cute and snuggly. He is also a thumb sucker. He usually favors his left like his sister, but the right will do in a pinch. Aunt Mellie says the left is much better than the right. When I found out I was pregnant with Grayson I put in a request for another thumbsucker. I am rather scattered and keeping up with a pacifer would never work. You always have your thumb. The downfall is that you can't make someone suck his/her thumb when you want them to. Don't think I haven't attempted this many times. I am sure that it will be difficult to break the habit, but for now it is wonderful.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Potty Humor

I have a two year old. Sooner or later we were going to have to talk about the potty here. As we have established, Lillian talks without ceasing and follows us around pretty much everywhere. Here are a few humorous potty moments from the last couple of days.

Wednesday I was in the bathroom going number 1 and Lillian was chatting it up with me. She left and before I finished washing my hands she was back with two M&Ms. "Here you go mama, good job."

Today, we were at the store. She says she has to go to the bathroom. Lillian loves public restrooms. She thinks that the loud flushes are really cool. We went four places this morning and she went to the bathroom in three of them. So she has to go to the bathroom... I pick her up only to discover that she has already pooped in her pants. Off to the bathroom. Mind you other people are in the bathroom. She is not quiet.

L: Mama, I pooped in my Dora panties?
M: Yes, Lillian
L: You need to poop mama.
M: No, Lillian
L: Just pee?
M: Yes
L: You hear somebody mama?
M: Yes there is another lady in the bathroom.
L: Is she pooping mama?
M: I don't know Lillian. Lets not talk about it.
L: She's just peeing?
L: Good job mama!

I suppose I need to be humbled or humilated or something.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

What Up with G?

Grayson rolled over this morning unassisted. It was very exciting. Lillian and I were both screaming, "Peter, come here, quick!!!!!!!!!" He missed it. Grayson was pretty pleased with himself. He smiled and kind of laughed. Lillian also demonstrated that she can roll over.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Job Evaluation

Every once in a while you just need to do a job evaluation. Yesterday I had a rough day at the office. I seriously considered giving my two weeks notice. Honestly, I attempted to give my notice and my supervisor would not take it. I guess the job security is pretty good. I decided that listing the good things about the job might help me feel recharged and excited about the next 20 or so years. Here are the top 10.

10. The dress code is pretty layed back. pjs, jeans, T-shirts, no make-up, etc. Can't find that everywhere.

9. You get to eat every hour or two with your little charges. (Not so good for the waist line, but you can't win them all.)

8. You are required to act silly, read all day, play games and dress-up.

7. You get to go to the pool.

6. You don't get fired for falling asleep on the job. (Naps are suggested.)

5. You always feel pretty tall. (I rarely feel this way.)

4. The commute is pretty short.

3. You can make personal calls without fear of losing your job.

2. My little charges are really cute and funny 95% of the time.

1. You don't get fired for sleeping with the supervisor. In fact, it is suggested.

On second thought, my job ROCKS! I just need a raise. I think I'll send Lillian in to work the deal.


This morning I got a great idea from the Today show to start chores and an allowance with children as young as two. I thought to myself, how could that be bad. Tonight Lillian assisted with cleaning the table and putting things away in her room. I attempted to explain what her "chores" will be and told her she would receive 2 pennies per day for doing them. She could use the pennies to buy something she wants at the store or save them. We got out a little cup to store her money. She goes, "Okay mama, but how about 5 pennies." I thought to myself, smart girl. "Okay, 5 pennies."

Monday, July 18, 2005

Old Friends and New Friends

We have had our "old" friends Matthew and Genna visiting. They have a daughter eight months older than Lillian, Abby. Peter and I had a blast hanging out with our old friends, but Lillian had more fun making a new friend. They played non-stop. "Dress-up girls, Go to sleep girls, etc" Lillian got a lesson on fashion from Abby and is now requesting her own set of flip-flops. It is alway great to be with friends.

Abby may be a very good compliment to Lillian because if you have met Lillian you know she is not quiet. Abby is very calm and quiet. She doesn't really like loud noises. I over heard a conversation that went a little like this.

L: ROAR!!! ROAR!!!
A: Can you please be quiet you are hurting my ears?
L: roar, roar

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Christmas Morning

This morning I made my weekly run to the grocery store. Peter usually watches the kids, so I can go by myself. I don't think I am capable of taking them both with me to the grocery store. Anyway, I returned. Peter and I put all of the bags on the kitchen floor and began to put things away. Lillian started looking through the bags and screaming excitedly. "Mama, look what we got. Look what we got! Yogurt (her personal favorite), Ice Cream, Chips, Juice!" She quickly moved in to asking if she could have some of all the things she was excited about. "Mama, I want yogurt. I want stawberries. I want juice." (She eats non-stop and never gains a pound. She must have some Maynor genes, too.) It reminded me of Christmas morning and how excited kids get. We may just get her some yogurt this year. In several flavors, of course.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Mango, Mango

Lillian and I made a smoothie this afternoon after her nap. This is our new addiction. We are fairly similar in our food choices. It was a mango/banana smoothie. We decided to make up a song to go along with the process. She always puts the ice in and pushes the ice crush button. Here is the song. Feel free to sing along.

Mango, Mango
Mango!!!, Mango!!!!

Second verse same as the first.

This goes on for about ten minutes. Then we sing the camp version which is to sing Mango, Mango like everyone we know. Here are some examples:

Scary Lion: Mango, Mango roar
Mango!!!, Mango!!! ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hap: Mango, HeeHaw Mango (not kidding that is what she said)

Hunna: Mango, Mango while doing a dance that involved a butt wiggle and falling on the floor.

Buh (Beth): Mango, Mango while dancing gracefully in a ballerina fashion then falling to the floor.

Uncle Brian: Mango, Mango while breakdancing

Max: Mango Max, Mango Max in a very deep voice.

We are thinking about taking it on the road.

Polar Bear Club

Well, Peter and Lillian joined the Polar Bear Club today. She had her first swimming lesson despite a temp of 67% and rain in July. Peter said it was a little chilly and Lillian's lips were blue. She did great. She learned to kick, blow bubbles and use her arms. They told the children to pretend like they were scooping ice cream with their hands. Lillian picked this up right away as she has Morris genes. We know how to scoop some ice cream! Grayson and I were the cheering section. It was pretty rowdy.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Scotch Guard

Some days I wonder if I should just scotch guard myself in the morning and put plastic covers on all of our stuff. In an effort to save my newly recovered dining room chairs, Lillian peed on me this morning. Grayson spit up on me at least twice. Lillian and I sat on the porch eating watermelon with some neighbors this afternoon and watched the rain. She put her watermelon hands on my arm, legs and smeared some on the back of my white shirt. (FYI-If you have two little children, NEVER wear white!) While sitting on the porch with Lillian for her dinner, I sat in a wet seat from the rain. She poured a cup of water on me during her bath. Oddly, we had a wonderful day. It was kind of fun to watch the rain and hang out. We read books and played with puppets. Grayson is seriously close to rolling over and we worked on that. Lillian is supposed to start swimming lessons tomorrow, if it does not rain. Well, I am off to take a shower now that the kids are in bed. I need a second one today!

Thursday, July 07, 2005


If you have been around us lately, you know Elmo is pretty important to Lillian. He usually sleeps in her room and frequently goes for a ride in the car. She buckles him in to his own seatbelt, of course. She has started to delay bedtime or naptime by calling for us. She uses various tactics and is very creative, I'll say. "I need covers, I don't need covers, Somebody's workin', It's raining." Last night, I was called in after I put her down. "Mama, Elmo won't stop talking and my still awake." I put Elmo on the floor. She leans over and says "Elmo, be quiet!" I had to talk with Elmo and review the "sleep rules". Finally, all was quiet.


Wednesday, July 06, 2005


We (I) decided it would be a great idea for us to go camping for a night over the 4th weekend. Peter was off on the 4th. It would be a cheap get away. We went to a campground (Jellystone Park) about 20 minutes away. I figured we could just come home if it was terrible. The place was very kid friendly with activities and a pancake breakfast with Yogi Bear.

We had a wonderful time. Lily did lots of swimming in the "big" pool. She has a swimsuit with floatie built in. She was jumping in without holding our hands and swimming all around. She is a little fish. We cooked hot dogs and smores. It was great! We went to bed feeling on top of the world. The people in the campsite next to ours were drinking and chattin' it up until 2am. We were laying there in the hot, uncomfortable tent wide awake. Including Lily. I suggested we go home several times. I was thinking who the heck goes camping with a 2 year old and a three month old in July. Someone could have told me it was a bad idea. We woke up at 5:45am to "My awake, NOW!" We hit the playground at 6:30 am. Man I miss sleeping late.

Over pancakes we asked Lily if she liked sleeping in the tent or not. "NOT" We swam and played all morning then headed home for naps all around. Gray had a blast and didn't seem to be bothered by the rowdy people. Maybe he will be a boy scout like Hap (my dad). It was really fun except the trying to sleep part and good family bonding. Next year I may suggest that we stay at the Holiday Inn a mile away.



Peter has been hounding me to start a blog about the kids and our life. I decided today was as good a day as any. Many of you my read my brother-in-law's, Brian, blog. This is not an attempt to steal his idea, but an effort to keep you informed as he does about the kiddos. Mine is not likely to be as funny or witty. I will without a doubt make efforts at humor. My apologies. I hope this gives you a little window into our lives. It will be as if you are a fly on our wall. Be warned our lives are a trip.
