Wednesday, August 29, 2007

G-Coming into his own

Grayson is really coming into his own without his sister around three days a week. He is talking a lot and has some pretty funny things to say. He told me a knock, knock joke that he thought was very funny, today. I guess I didn't get it.

He is also asserting his fashion opinions. Who says boys will wear what you tell them to wear? His black rubber boots are the shoe of choice despite very hot summer days. He has worn them to the pool and pretty much everywhere else for the last few weeks. He is also into manly t-shirts. His current favorite is one with a truck jacked up with big mud tires. The shirt says rugged. He loves it. Thankfully, he gets so very dirty that he can not wear it every day. It has to go through the wash. Perhaps the kids will start Lilygray fashion designs one day. Those would be some weird clothes.

He is mostly happy and likes to perform slap-stick humor. We usually think it is pretty funny, too. My favorite moment from the last twenty-four hours was reading We're going on a Bear Hunt last night. It reads "We're going on a bear hunt. We're going to catch a big one."
G chimed in everytime with the next line "We're not scared!" I wish I could keep those wonderful moments forever, but they are moments after all and they pass very quickly. The up shot is there are more around every corner.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

JAWS Returns!!!

About ten, Grayson started crying and was really upset/scared. I changed his diaper and he settled down to sleep again. About, 12 it happened again, but he was terrified and climbing up me. I could remove my hands from him and he would stay in place. He wouldn't say any words, but kept pointing at the floor then freaking out. This went on for about 30 minutes. It was so upseting. I kept reassuring him and asking what hurt or what he was scared of. Nothing. No response. I finally got him to go to sleep. In the end, I guess it was a night terror. His eyes were open, but he wouldn't communicate. Lillian has them, but usually around 10 p.m. They never last this long. I think the worst thing about being a parent is not knowing what is wrong. Even if something is bad and you know it, you can deal with it. I hate having no idea why my kid is crying and grabbing me.

This morning I asked Grayson if he was scared last night and he said, "Sharks everywhere eating me!" Poor kid. It is no wonder that he was so scared. By day he seems to love sharks and snakes, but by night they terrify him.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

JK stats

So here is the low down on JK according to Lillian....

Two snacks
Two recesses
Lunch/hot lunch on Wednesdays
Knox is apparently her favorite person and his mat is next to hers at rest time. She makes jokes to him and they cover their mouths with their hands and laugh. They haven't gotten caught.
You have to rest with your shoes on because it is school.
On the second day of school, they still had not learned to read.
She got to hold the guinea pig, Nibbles.
She can speak a little spanish after one time with the spanish teacher. She does, however, have thank you and yes mixed up.
She would like to go every day of the week.

I will be going to Back to School night this evening to see what else is going on in JK. She seems to age light years during her time at school. Grayson and I miss her terribly and he asked to go see her at school, today. There is nothing really baby about Lillian anymore. She is suddenly, at least to me, a little girl with her own little life. My grandpa said the other night that I would blink and she would be in college and I will be an old woman. I laughed, but deep down I know he is right.

Monday, August 20, 2007


There are lots of questions flying around at our house. G's response to everything is "why". On the way home from the Magic House, Lillian asked..

Now mama, Is fire or volcano lava hotter?

Sometimes, I feel like most of my education was pointless. I usually don't know the answer to her questions. I just say. "Good question".

Friday, August 17, 2007

Future JKer

Future JKer
Originally uploaded by Melanie Maynor.
G can't wait to be as big as Lillian.

1st day of JK

1st day of JK
Originally uploaded by Melanie Maynor.
Lillian, super excited about JK.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

First Day of JK

Back at it. It seems that the lazy days of summer break are over and school has begun. I love the first day of school. Lillian has been a little nervous, but did great this morning. Grayson wanted to be in on the action and wore his backpack, too. Lillian looked so cute in a plaid jumper Bill and Maryhelen gave her. She just ran in and spoke very little to us after that. She only spoke to me long enough to ask when the grown ups were leaving. All in all, she did great. Grayson and I were a little sad and lost without the constant Lillian noise in the background. I got a little choked up a couple of times, but mainly I was really excited for her. Peter was home in time to the 1st afternoon carpool with us. Lillian was full in info about two recesses, two snacks, lunch, the hermit crabs, fish and guinnea pig. She had rest time next to her new friend Knox. I guess she is over Herbie. It is really fun to see how big and responsible she is getting. She has been doing an excellent job with making her bed and keeping her room clean. She even helped Grayson make his bed this morning. I keep telling her she seems more and more like she is about to be five. She did say at bedtime that she asked Mrs. Burzinski when they would learn to read. Mrs. Burzinski said they would start working on that next week. She is very ready to learn to read.

Well, I lost my internet connection and thought I had lost this post. In the mean time, Mrs. Burzinski called. When I saw her name on the caller ID, I freaked out. It didn't seem good to get a call from the teacher the 1st day. Well, she was just calling to say it went great. Lillian had a great day. So, she won my affection and Lillian's on the 1st day.