Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thought for the day

Perhaps your bathroom smells like pee because your 4 year old is hosing it down with his pee-pee. (pun intended)

I busted him doing that very thing just this afternoon.  I'll be mopping, tonight.

Same 4 year old peed all over his sister just two days ago.

I think we need a daddy intervention.  Lucky me, daddy's day off is tomorrow.


amy said...

HA that IS funny!!!
Mostly because Luke would not do that! If he did- I would not be laughing!

Lora said...

BOYS-just wait they have group contests to see who can pee the furtherest! AMY should be VERY CAREFUL- Mothers ALWAYS get to eat their "Mine would never do that" words! QUITE TASTY!

amy said...
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amy said...

if only you knew Luke- i just might welcome it....

Christa said...

Welcome to boys! Not only the bathroom but some of my poor plants have also paid the price... There is technique involved and some have better hand-eye coordination.. and then there is just the thrill of seeing what they can shoot! And I still have another boy in diapers...