Wednesday, January 17, 2007

G-man and Daddy

Here are a few photos of Grayson over the last few days. He thought this milk cap on his nose was very funny and so did we.

The ones with Peter are the other night. He woke up around 8:30 and didn't seem himself. I brought him to the living room to snuggle. When he saw football on T.V. , he perked right up. I think he really wanted to watch the Saints game. They were glued until I dragged G back to bed.

I went to pick up the sitter the other night and came back to Grayson with his diaper on the outside of his pajamas. He looked like a super hero. He is seen below showing his super hero muscles.


. said...

Tell Pete that his goatee looks great! He now has a football team...twelve on each side!


Tirzah said...

I like the goatee too, not as much as I like papa son pictures but I do like it. I think its cool how they were very cooly ignoring you. Fun lunch yesterday- I get to sit on your side next time:)