Friday, July 02, 2010

Here's a quarter call someone who cares!

We were meeting with an architect at our house, today. Peter and I were sitting at the dining room table with him. Grayson and Lillian were playing around the house. Grayson suddenly ran in the room, "I pooped a quarter! I pooped a quarter!" We told the architect, "Sorry we've got to see this." Anyway, we gave the guy a little background. We are all very glad that 5 days after swallowing a quarter that it has run it's course. As I looked at it, Grayson asked, "Mom, can you get it so I can spend it?" FLUSH!


Jenn said...


Lora said...

Now THAT is a funny post!

Lisa S. said...

Oh man! That is good news...I guess!

amy said...

my kids want to know if G spent the $ yet....