Monday, January 12, 2009

Make it quick!

The G-man is pretty much potty trained. We have had a couple of bobbles you know like pooping in his pants, but very occassionally. He always says, "I am just so sorry." I think he pretty much has the hang of it until something really amazing is happening. It is 15 degrees in St. Louis, today. G and I ran a couple of errands. I asked him before we left Wal-mart if he needed to pee, "NO". We get in the parking lot and he has to go. He said he couldn't make it home. I was not walking through that cold to the store again. I opened his door and stood him up facing the parking lot. "Okay, go and make it quick!" I stood to the side so he had some privacy and no one could see him. It worked out great and we were on our way. You gotta love boys that are so flexible. G loved it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally have no problem letting J.T. pee in parking lots or in public next to our car. You gotta do what you gotta do.