Monday, November 21, 2005

Heaven Talk

Today, we were in the car going to do a little Christmas shopping. I was talking to Lillian about Christmas and telling her we were going to cut our Christmas tree down this weekend.

L: Mama, Uncle Brian, Aunt Susan, Max and Briggs gonna get a Christmas tree, too.
M: Well, not Uncle Brian because...
L: He's in heaven!
M: Thats right, so he isn't. Aunt Susan, Max and Briggs are going to get a Christmas tree with us.
L: Mama, I think Aunt Susan, Max and Briggs might like to go to heaven this year for Christmas.
(I was about to start sobbing at this tender comment. I was also thinking about how selfishly I always want Brian here rather than thinking about going to heaven with him.)
L: Wow Mama, look at that red airplane.

And the moment was gone.

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